BLOG: Are You Following the Medical Model in Your Practice?

Are You Following the Medical Model in Your Practice?

When most professionals start their private practice, they tend to wear all hats - scheduling, billing, treating clients, etc.  As they build a team, the hats become more difficult to manage. It may seem easier to let your team handle "the hats" with their clients, but that is a slippery slope. 

Do your clients text their clinician directly about cancellations?

Do your clients hand payment to their clinician?

Do your clients schedule their appointments with their clinician?

The answer should be NO. 

Under the Medical Model, you build a company culture of therapist-client in the same way a doctor's office is physician-patient. You don't make appointments or hand a check directly with/to your doctor. 

Why is the Medical Model important? 

1) Your therapy staff needs to build rapport with their clients and their families. By nature of what we do, we build emotional connections with our families. Do you want your therapists to ask their clients/families about a check that is returned for non-sufficient funds, e.g., a 'bounced' check?

2) Your administrative policies may not be followed. Using the example of a late cancellation - would your therapy staff think/be comfortable telling a client that they will be charged a late cancellation fee when the client cancels at the last minute?

3) Impact to your bottom line. If a client cancels directly with their clinician, would he/she know about possible rescheduling options on other staff members' schedules? Have you ever had a clinician cancel all of their appointments for a PTO day without investigating coverage options? 

In our next series, we will be delving into the topic of the Medical Model and the systems and policies you need in place in order to maximize patient outcomes and your bottom line.

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Renee, the owner of The Private Practice Coach shares with clients her knowledge and expertise gained over 30 thirty years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.

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